I appreciate the thoughts. Let me ask you this then. Being that the main reason this was done was not to be able to supply enough fuel, i can assure you of that. You are 150% correct, their are many injectors out their that can handle the load i plan to run here.
The only reason we added injectors up the runner was for cooling and giving the fuel more time to atomize and pull heat. We were planning to run a class where we got a break for being boosted and non intercooled.
With that said, the 120s wouldve probably been sufficient for that particular class, and i really only did what i did for future thoughts, and we had tossed around the thoughts of dual fuel, methanol, etc. So figured, what the hell, do it, if we dont want to in the end, then we can at the very least be a test dummy, test a set of injectors high up, vs. down low and see if their is any benefit with E85.
I searched and searched for information on E85 (fuel injected) and what people have done with it, and the only person i came across that did anything that i could find and was willing to share info, was TJ Baker (63 impala, was running 6.90s non intercooled on E98) , and he thought it would be a great idea for a class that gave a break for non-ic, trying to give it more of a carb effect. So we gave it a shot, and i really wanted to try it anyway.
I completely see your point, and i do appreciate your input, which is why i asked you for your thoughts. Maybe dual is a little much for what im doing, i think im going to ateast try the difference between upper set and lower set and just move them down.