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Author Topic: DWI/DUI experiences?  (Read 7482 times)

Offline Speedfab

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2012, 04:11:07 PM »
I personally was rearended (my gf and I) about 7 years ago in my mom's Z28 by a drunk driving a rented minivan.  It was on a busy road in the middle of a bunch of restaurants, and we were turning into a Chili's parking lot.  It was a really hard hit, car was almost totalled.  The dude says "I'm going in to call the police" and goes in Chilis.  Unknown to us, he goes straight to the bar, orders a couple beers, and starts drinking.  Never called the cops, but I did.  When they got there he was still inside and they had to go in and get him.  Cop was absolutely mad as a hornet...  The guy was shitfaced, but because he went in and drank they had no way to prove his BAC was above the limit at the time of the accident.  He was obviously a professional drunk driver.  If I had known what was up I would have tackled the motherfucker and held him for the popo.  I probably should have sued, but that would have only affected the rental car company.

unless you own a turbo ls9 rx7 you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

Offline mefarri

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2012, 05:01:20 PM »
Damn, I would have never thought of that.  Slick mother fucker.

I actually just picked a friend of mine up from jail Sunday morning after he got stopped for his first DWI the night before.  He let off the brake and coasted into the car in front of him at a light. 
"I'm not sure what your intent was because I don't speak "dumbshit", but next time, start your own thread. "


"Otherwise it looks like something I can build over a weekend, if I spent the first day watching TV."

-Blake motherfucking McBride

Offline cool

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2012, 05:07:02 PM »
In my area, the penalty is based on the severity of the infraction.  If you were at or close to the legal limit and were not involved in any accidents, you can get a "first time offender" deal.  You lose your license for 30 days mandatory, then you can get a work permit for the next 2 months.  You have to have an evaluation done - and take the appropriate amount of counseling/dry roads classes accordingly.  You pay thousands in fines, court costs, instatement fees, etc. 

When your court supervision and probation periods are over and you have completed all of your required counseling/classes, you get your license back and the charge never shows up on your record as a conviction.

If you were beligerantly drunk, you get all of the same plus they put a breathalizer in your car for 1 year.  After a certain BAC level, its considered a felony and you face jail time.

Offline danro

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2012, 05:33:01 PM »
between the ages of 17-25 drunk driving was just a part of a night out for me.  I dont mean just a couple beers. I mean shitfaced, stumble out of the club and drive not only myself but passengers also.  Looking back I thank god I didnt hurt or kill anyone.   :-[      never got caught either.    Nowadays I wont even have a single beer with dinner if I know I will be driving. 

OP I know this sounds cliche but take your lumps now and consider your self lucky. You probably wont ever drive while intoxicated again. Good lesson to learn now while your young with much less to lose career and family wise.

edit. just guessing your still in your VERY early 20's
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 05:40:17 PM by danro »

Offline theantirotor

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2012, 05:37:27 PM »
My previous experience with this is a dead nephew because a driver thought he was fine with a few beers.

Head on collision. Nephew dead, drunk driver walked away.

I hope Captain America slams your ass in jail.


Its one thing to try to get out of it.  Its another thing entirely to act like you didn't deserve it.

Offline Bowtie7

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2012, 08:48:01 PM »
Never had one in 50 years. I do have a very good friend that is a Sgt. on police dept and is was DUI task force in the past. Basically what he told me is that the initial breathalyzer is not admissable and does not record the reading but it is the start of where they build the case against you.

Sabre's advise to hire a good DUI lawyer is the best advice after the fact. The video tape is evidence that the lawyer will lool over to make sure the police followed the law and may help. In Atlanta, a first time DUI will set you back 15000.00 by the time it's all said and done. Makes for an expensive night.
I do love what I do!

Offline Bigblockquad

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2012, 11:40:01 PM »
I personally was rearended (my gf and I) about 7 years ago in my mom's Z28 by a drunk driving a rented minivan.  It was on a busy road in the middle of a bunch of restaurants, and we were turning into a Chili's parking lot.  It was a really hard hit, car was almost totalled.  The dude says "I'm going in to call the police" and goes in Chilis.  Unknown to us, he goes straight to the bar, orders a couple beers, and starts drinking.  Never called the cops, but I did.  When they got there he was still inside and they had to go in and get him.  Cop was absolutely mad as a hornet...  The guy was shitfaced, but because he went in and drank they had no way to prove his BAC was above the limit at the time of the accident.  He was obviously a professional drunk driver.  If I had known what was up I would have tackled the motherfucker and held him for the popo.  I probably should have sued, but that would have only affected the rental car company.

I've seen that attempted a couple times.  If the cops on point he'll hook the guy for leaving the scene of an accident.  Then he could get a copy of the guys drink bill possibly establishing he couldnt've consumed X amount in Y time to be a certain BAC, witness statements from the bartenders serving him including the people around him, have a look at the security video, if any, establishing his objective signs symptoms of intox prior/post arrest.  Then drop kick his ass all the way to jail.  Or so I've heard.

Advice:  Get a gooood lawyer and pray......
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Offline twokrx7

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2012, 11:59:46 PM »
All this makes me want to stay off the streets, you guys were or are a rolling  :chug:   :chug:   :chug:   hazard.   

Not to mention seniors, idiots, folks with jacked brain chemistry, bad eyesight, bad decision makers, texting, daydreamers, talking and chewing gum, screaming kids, playing with radio or nav, tired or sleepy, jacked cars, bald tires, no brakes, eatin, driving into setting sun ...

Let's all take this opportunity to make better decisions when behind the wheel of our lethal machines, let's be safe out there and constantly remind ourselves to drive defensively cause there are lots of hazardous drivers out there.  Peace out
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Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2012, 12:04:00 AM »
And people call me an alcoholic for drinking at home. Psh...
Nick Shultz

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Offline dream36realms

Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2012, 08:08:45 AM »
I say enough stupid things on the internet to get flamed alot so I can give some advice. Keep it simple man, just update us on how things are going. No one will hold it against you forever but some will be butt hurt (no insult intended). Sorry about your luck after a beer or two.

I do not drink anymore because I black out after a beer or less and the night unfolds on the other me's wants/needs/ I used to wake up in strange places and usually required me to run naked somewhere (out windows, doors, etc) to avoid an ass whooping. I can tell you that I had nigths in my youth where I woul;d have no idea how I got home and Id find my motorcyce in the yard on its side. One of these nights I did end up in jail but it wasnt for driving and they let me go after I woke up and they never took my name :)

anyway good luck on your court stuff. just be sure you got a good lawyer. oh and taking the blood test is NEVER a good idea. you can't fight the results in court and with a breath test there are too many variables that can be fought with a good lawyer.

ah hell. You are an ASSHOKLE ;)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 01:36:42 PM by dream36realms »

Offline Andrew R

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Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2012, 08:58:46 AM »
Other than getting a good lawyer you need to start getting into action.

M.A.D.D class (required in some states)
Talk to a professional that can evaluate your drinking habits. (again some states require this)
Go to treatment if suggested... document all above.

Get into action quickly -The court is going to take this very seriously.

Offline Nickatina7

DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2012, 10:44:08 AM »
I got a good lawyer and was in the process of fighting it when my work (Toyota dealership) found out about it and had to let me go due to insurance. Even though I wasn't even proven guilty of it yet.

Then after fighting it in court I got it DROPPED. Fully dismissed.

You have reasonable grounds for a wrongful termination suit if this was recent and you consider it worth pursuing.  They didn't "have to let you go due to insurance" until such time as you were adjudicated/convicted.

I talked with my lawyer about that. They did have the right to because the courts and DMV are two totally different things. The DMV shows that I was arrested for a DUI therefor I am guilty of a DUI. I have 30 days after the arrest to protest to the DMV that the arrest was wrongful. Then after that its absolutely stuck on your DMV record for 3 years. I didn't know about that so I didn't do it. Even if the courts drop it dmv does not care. And the insurance company only looks at your driving record which showed I was arrested for a DUI. So remember if you get arrested for it file a claim within 30 days with DMV. At least in California.

I tried so hard to get my job back. I wrote letters to the judge and everything. The fact was I missed the chance to challenge the arrest. The courts said they could do nothing to take the DUI off my driving record. I only got it fully dropped off my criminal record. It's wiped clean but supposedly if I get another DUI it will count as my second for 13 years after my first one. And multiple duis suck.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 10:50:34 AM by Nickatina7 »
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Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2012, 11:41:21 AM »
Well... like i said im done with all of it. I only socially drank out with some friends. Now its not drinking at all because its been that bad of an experience so far and im only 1/4th through it. And according to the letter of the law you cant really even be "under the influence" of one beer because you stand to hurt or kill someone. I mean its zero tolerance so just dont do it.

Thanks for all the shared stories, kind words, and not so kind words. Sent request to mods to delete this thread but it didn't work :(

everyone stay safe.
I own nothing cool anymore...

Offline Nickatina7

DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2012, 12:37:10 PM »
Remember if you are on probation from a DUI or were just arrested for one don't buy alcohol! If they swipe your ID at a liquor store to validate it the cops are immediately notifies and they will arrest you. Some of those machines are hooked up to a phone line and they know when it's swiped. My lawyer told me I couldn't purchase alcohol for 90 days after my arrest.
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Re: DWI/DUI experiences?
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2012, 12:38:43 PM »
Remember if you are on probation from a DUI or were just arrested for one don't buy alcohol! If they swipe your ID at a liquor store to validate it the cops are immediately notifies and they will arrest you. Some of those machines are hooked up to a phone line and they know when it's swiped. My lawyer told me I couldn't purchase alcohol for 90 days after my arrest.

LOL im not worried. I. Am. Done.

I own nothing cool anymore...