^^exactly what i was asking not for. Yah you lost someone, someone was hurt because someone utterly drunk and out of their mind should not have been driving. Like after a beer according to numbers your dwi so really the system has got this skewed, taking the few legal vices they allow people to have (cigs and beer bascially), and turning it into something utterly ugly because it happened at all, or happened in excess.
And to all those hurt or have family hurt by such intoxicated, wreckless drivers im sorry. If its any consolation to you know that i give up drinking entirely. Not that i had a problem with it, but this experience so far has been that bad. Never been arrested before, no record, not even a ticket on my driving record. So before you lump me in with some crazy carmageddon loving alchohalic dick faces, just breathe and let me know something useful, PLEASE and thank you. gawd.
So would anyone else like to try?