Started on my axle kit today. This thread has some good info on getting the drive shafts apart.
1 - Take all the clamping bands off the boots. I just pushed and twisted a small screw driver in the joins
2 - Remove the rubber boot from the hub end. I used WD40 to spray the axle so the boot would slide easily
3 - The link above suggests using a friend or a vice to hold the axle. I did the one-man version. Basically I screwed the hub nut back on and stood on it. I then pulled on the axle at the same time as smacking the hub end with a rubber mallet.
I had already taken the diff end off (wasn't really thinking) and that gave me a little more room to work with.
WARNING! you will end up shoving the axle into your chest. Now this doesn't hurt but (if like me) you have taken the diff end off, you will get covered in grease so you night want to put some tissue on the end.
I also recommend wrapping the hub end with tissue or a rag otherwise when you hit it, grease splats everywhere.
I might start assembly tomorrow though I appear to be short of some boot clamps (lost in the move?).