...shaving the Mazda logo you are...
Progress looks great!
Was there was ever a question about you knowing your FCs?

Finished all my work at the body shop last night (they normally work till 7:00 but a stayed open until almost 8:00 last night so I could finish). Classy, classy, classy. The shop is
RC Empire Auto Body in Orange CA if any of my SoCal brethren need a referral. Love these folks... It's a Mom and Pop (and Sons) shop, but damn they do outstanding work and they're just good people.
Haven't seen this view looking straight and sexy in a long time.

So now it's out of my hands. Unfortunately in the process of making repairs. I discovered that my base coat isn't sticking well to the primer from back when I painted it, might have used the wrong temp product or incorrect ratio of reducer or... who knows really. They're going to have to sand down through that though (or chip it off) so this will take a bit. Blocking and sanding estimated to take about a month.