Shattered Lip RepairEver do one of those jobs you're kicking yourself the whole time you're doing it, because you probably should have started over with something else? Yeah, this is one of those. Problem is that I just don't like very many of the lip options on the market (the Mazdaspeed version is only ok) and then I'd still have to cut it wider for my widebody. So I decided to stop waffling and just get to work.

Time to fix that. Pieces lined up better than I thought they would.

Little hot glue, pop-sickle sticks I stole from my kids, epoxy (etc), to hold it on the topside.

Dremel shave on the backside to clean up the fragments and give a fresh surface for more glass.


Now I'm working on the topside grinding out all the cracks.

Thinking I may shim this down a 1/2" or so to change up the look a bit. More in harm's way, but it was already in harms way so not much new there. Plenty of work to go but that's progress. Hours vs. time not at all penciling out on this one, but at least it'll be something I'm ok with.