Well, I don't have full functional electrical in the new garage yet, but I at least have an attic built and lights done (going to need to update the garage build thread too) as well as a reasonably clear work space. That meant it was time to get back into the car project and I finally pulled the nose of the FC apart last night.
-Bumper cover may or may not be savageable (would need to work some new bottom side mounting as multiple points tore).
-Front lip is broken in half, but whole enough it's worth repairing since it matches my widebody.
-Will need a new passengers side headlight motor as the bottom of the motor scrapped ground.
-Some smaller plastic support parts and the lower sheetmetal pieces are trash (those which supports the limited ducting FC's use). I'm trying to decide if I hunt for a donor car or just replace wholesale with tube work.
Good news:
-Both fenders will be fine with very minor touch up work.
-Fender vs. hood line and both doors are still straight.
-No bent wheels (which is amazing to me). Thumbs up to Weds!
The only things that are really concerning are the headlights pointing at each other and the buckled top cross bar. That says some force went up and in and makes me not trust the current position of the main crash bar tied to the ends of the fender support rails since it's the load path to that core support.
I ran across a ASE training manual that looks pretty helpful.
http://people.okanagan.bc.ca/jfrancis/TTTE%20Autobody%20Day%20plans/Day%209%20-%20Structural%20Repair/Diagnosing%20Major%20Collision%20Damage%2010.pdfAnyone have suggestions on datums for measuring? Basically, I want to take enough measurements to figure out whether I'm taking this to a frame shop or not. Pictures of bitching front end tube work would be appreciated as well

albeit my minds not made up on that score.