I took my four year old out for a ride which always makes for a pretty awesome daddy daughter date. For whatever reason I expect my girls to be goldfish and not remember anything from a year or more back. Lana was telling me how she remembered the last drive I took her on:

Yeah, she was two in this picture!
Anyways, the not so great news is that I threw another couple engine codes.
-P0300 Multiple Cylinder Misfire
-P0153 2/1 02 Sens Slow Response
The misfire is likely the explanation for the rhythmic idle tone I was hearing but I've decided I'm mostly going to garage this thing again until I get it squared away. Hopefully I have some time to play this weekend.
The one thing that's interesting is that the 02 sensor that's protesting is Bank 2, Position 1 (the 2/1 in the code above) which I don't think I actually have. If I'm remembering this right Bank 1 contains the number 1 cylinder, and positions are relative to flow. As such we're talking about the passenger side upstream 02 sensor which in my case is an 02 sim. That should help me start looking but it's a little odd given the sim.
EDIT: ignore the above, I was thinking about this backward... upstream 02's I have, downstream are the sims!]