Thanks for the ideas y'all. At least 4 of the cylinders were reading 180 and the exhaust note was just typical cam-ragged not all-out-awful like I'd expect on 3-4 cylinders.
Couple good things I can report:
-Clutch disk is world's nicer with the ceramic disc instead of iron in there.
-I have missed power steering in my rx7 a lot and it's awesome. Definitely info on Turn One coming soon.
Little ironic story from last night... It's holding idle and nothing leaks, so I decide, what the heck I'll take it over to 65imp's (1/2 mile away, same neighborhood). Go pulling out around the corner. Right as I'm thinking "damn this thing is loud, muffler's aren't doing much" and pull up to the main loop I come smack face to face with a Tustin police officer rolling by a low speed RIGHT in front me. Bear in mind I have no hood... He takes a long look but keeps moving, but then drops it to about 15 mph. I was already clearly turning right so I follow him out feeling like an idiot (and trying to buckle my harnesses since I hadn't really planned on going for a neighborhood drive). At least I installed the front plate... I'm hanging back but the cop is still only doing 15 mph. I pull over and say screw it, if he flips a U I'll just have to be nice ask forgiveness. He keeps going, but still at low speed.
I flip a U, drive back to my place and throw it in the garage as fast as I can. Note to self: I need to finish the hood. And I need to build some street oriented mufflers this thing is going to attract too much attention.