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Author Topic: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)  (Read 814017 times)

Offline Sho Amo

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #330 on: September 19, 2013, 02:52:16 PM »
Great work! This thing is going to be perfect.
[Sold] '90 GTU LS1/t56

Offline Mr Hyde

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #331 on: September 19, 2013, 08:26:22 PM »
I am completely blown away by the awesome write-up and pics in this thread!  It has since become the
go-to thread for my current build that is happening back home in Virginia while I am stationed out here @ Camp Arifjan!   T

hanks soooooo much for giving me something to read, and look at while I'm out here.   

I Know there was a reason why I sent my wiring harness to you guys!!!!   

Thanks again! 

Geoff Morgan
"Ronin order #90"  :)
Geoff M
91 FC-L92
Build is in progress

Offline Sube

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #332 on: October 15, 2013, 09:11:46 AM »
I have a question on your over the radiator intake. Do you think you can still put in an AC system with that style of intake or is that now a no go? It looks like the intake takes up room where the condenser would need to go.

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #333 on: October 16, 2013, 01:19:00 AM »
AC is no problem. I've run it with that before. The stock ac condensor core lands just below the intake.
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #334 on: October 28, 2013, 09:25:55 PM »
Good news: been putting in a ton of wrench time to get this thing back up and running. 
Bad news: I'm way way behind on pictures.  Figured I'd get a few up to try to close down a few things.

Headers almost done

Didn't have a good way to tack these in car so I ended up scribing the locations as best I could and having them tacked with silicon bronze at work. 

One side landed well the other was too high and into the floor boards.  I decided to risk yanking on the collector areas a bit with this bolted to the block to see if I could just deform the tack at all.  Low and behold with the twist load I was putting at the flange, suddenly all the tacks broke.  That was good news because the last couple stainless tacks I'd done had to be cut to get them free.

Once I figure out I could do that I just ran back and forth a few time to 65imp's one evening.  On my third try (too high, too low, a little to high but close), yanking on the header broke only a couple tacks and left me in feeling like Goldilocks.  One last round of tacks for the one's I broke, one last fit check and they were all good.  PITA but it worked out.

I have these welded inside and out per Burn's stainless recommendations.  Inside is 308 stainless filler, outside is all silicon bronze (almost like braising) just to keep it still.  Insides were done in 8 steps ~45 deg each to keep the heat down yet hopefully uniform.   We'd do 45 degrees for all 8 primaries before getting back to the first one.  Same co-worker who'd done my first pass at tacking (I did all the others myself) helped me again.

All of this was done to avoid warpage as stainless has a nasty reputation for moving while welding.  I figured it made sense do the outside of each junction second so the heat would have a chance at relaxing the flanges into position.  As such, I tore the heads off my coffee table (see post 224 if you missed it) to give myself a nice big flat heat sink to bolt too.  I still had to deck down a few spots where the weld was proud (hand filled)

Then we did the outsides.

Flanges are within about 0.020 from flat unconstrained and pull down nice and tight with hardware.  Still need 02 bungs and v-band flanges but they're just about done. 
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Jordan Innovations

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Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #335 on: October 29, 2013, 01:57:10 AM »
Awesome!  Yeah inside out is best, and your strategy for avoiding warp is solid (I just tack 'em all over the place and start filling between the tacks).

Super pumped to see these in the car, and thanks for stopping by the other night!

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #336 on: October 29, 2013, 04:19:49 PM »
Jeff, yes, we started with about 4 healthy tacks before the 45 degree welding started.  Your car's pretty wicked and I was glad we were finally able to meet up. 

Fast 102 vs. Hood

With the headers basically done and the engine bolted in I'd started to finalize bits on the topside of the engine.  If you've been following the thread you know I'm running a Fast LSXR 102 intake manifold.  What I have yet to really admit is that this intake manifold just didn't fit.  My life would have been so much easier with a 90/90 setup....  Damn, but when you try to do something max effort that's sometimes what you run into.  I'd already cut and smoothed my firewall, redone my fuel line cross over, decked a chamfer into of my throttle body and I was STILL contacting the Ronin reverse cowl hood I wanted to run.  Not bad, maybe 3/8" or so but I was already down as close to my steering rack as I dared and it just wasn't clearing hood.

The other thing I hadn't admitted is that my FAST 102 came off this guy's personal LS454.

It'd been on a dyno a few times but was otherwise brand new.  Anyone know him?  Had one heck of an entertaining lunch having him tell stories and break down his thoughts on engine theory.

With all the hood fitting I'd been doing I'd already scratched the heck out of the paint on the FAST's lettering (guess what turned out to be the point of minimum contact on the manifold).  Frankly I wasn't a big fan of the garish raised letters anyways so I decided to shave them down a bit.  I didn't go all the way flush because I'd lose the texture in the area around the sanding and I didn't feel like smoothing the whole damn thing.  It's a subtle change that unless you're in the know, most folks will probably never spot, but I gained almost an 1/8" where it counted and I think it looks nice.

So that meant I'd done basically all I could on the engine bay side of the fitment and I still needed to address the hood.  Ronin had a QC reject hood sitting on the corner of our composites shop for a while now that I decided to make functional for myself about a year ago.  The hood had had the upper and lower halves glued in a rush job before they were sufficiently dry and had warped badly (just about all over) as it cured.  That said, since I was going to cut out the bottom to make my intake tract work anyways I decided to see if I could salvage it. 

Note: this is NOT a production quality Ronin hood so I don't want to freak anyone out with the following pictures but it was something I'd been starring at forever trying to figure out how to solve.

Previously I'd started with a rough pass in bondo just to get the thing smoothed out.  It's sat like this in my rafters for more than a year.

The point of contact was just to driver side about at the rear of the center spike detail.  Effectively right in the middle of the big span in the middle of the hood.  Cutting out the edges of this span just seemed impractical and body work/re-glassing major shapes like that takes forever.  As such I finally convinced myself I needed to make a power bulge.  I only needed about 3/8" but the contact just wasn't acceptable and I wasn't ready give up on the FAST.

I did a bunch of looking online and just about convinced myself that the MG RV8 had the best bulge I could hope to find.

There's even a company in the UK that sells stand alone bulges in fiberglass.

At the end of the day I decided I didn't want to pay international shipping for something that was still bigger than I needed and I wasn't convinced was really going to look right anyway.  It would mean I effectively would have a reverse cowl with a power bulge right behind it.  You know you're kinda in uncharted water when you find yourself wondering if you can take a splash mold of your BBQ cover to have a fiberglass bulge to start from.  Not good.   :-[

Instead I said screw it and decided to just make my own.  After a little bit of research to make sure my resin wouldn't attack foam I decided to make the like the Lithuanians and just go for it.

Roughed out shaped:

Next day (holy hell this stuff expands):

Started carving on it and found it why it'd expanded so much.  This was the BEST part of the surface internally.

The worst parts had holes that were an inch across and uncured goo in the middle (24 hours out on what should have been workable in an couple hours).

So basically I failed miserably...  Sanded all the crap back off and was back where I started.  Not everything goes as planned and to be honest I wasn't that thrilled with a bulge to begin with.   :(  At this point I had to make a call, I really wanted to run a Ronin hood (or at least a hood that looked like a Ronin hood even if I'd cheated it).  I'm starring at this thing from all angles and debating how much cutting I'm going to have to do and it's just kind of a sucky afternoon.  The spot I need to raise is right in the middle of a huge curved expanse.  And then it hits, me...

The spot I need to raise in the middle of a huge CURVED expanse.  If I cut the expanse apart I can wedge the middle apart slightly and it SHOULD raise the expanse just like I was wedging a bigger capstone in a curved stone bridge.  After about a five minute debate and a sanity check with the wife I break out the angle grinder and cut the entire center area of the hood from behind the vent to where the ribs start in back.  If this doesn't work I'm literally throwing this hood away and/or selling my fancy pants FAST 102.

Ram in some shims on the gap I just cut and low and behold I gain a 1/2".  Glass it back over on top, kitty hair and more glass on the bottom and presto chango, I have a hood that clears.

If you look closely you can see the cut line under the glass.

I left it in the sun for a few days to let it heat cycle and work out any internal stresses and it still clears by 3/16" or so.  Still need some more body work to make the curves perfect, but I was stoked that I finally figured it out.


PS Ronin's hood should clear all factory intake manifolds as well as Fast 90s and 92s.  It's only with the 102 you have to watch out.  I can't tell you whether it'd clear with a factory hood but it'd be damn close.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 08:32:58 PM by frijolee »
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Jordan Innovations

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Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #337 on: October 29, 2013, 05:42:09 PM »
A Tony Mamo part in your car?  That's worth at least 50hp.  I see him a couple times a year and chat, helped him with his wife's Vette earlier this year haha, a legit cool dude.

As I was reading your post, I was thinking the bulge was terrible - so glad you figured it out.  That looks awesome.

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #338 on: October 29, 2013, 08:30:19 PM »
A Tony Mamo part in your car?  That's worth at least 50hp.  I see him a couple times a year and chat, helped him with his wife's Vette earlier this year haha, a legit cool dude.

I'm hoping for 15-20 hp but yeah really nice guy.  Other gents typically make 515 on my engine and heads but if I'm honest I'm really hoping to crack 550 even with a smallish cam due to the extra effort on headers and intake.

As I was reading your post, I was thinking the bulge was terrible - so glad you figured it out.  That looks awesome.

When you struggle with something design wise for that long and then the epiphany strikes, it's a pretty good moment.  I'm hoping you get the same on some blower packaging that'll actually let you clear a hood.  Even with a 3rd hood pin you don't have a lot of hood structure left for a car intended for high speed road racing.  The rat rod cut is ok, but it'd just be so much better if you could make it fit. 
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 08:36:19 PM by frijolee »
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Bowtie7

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #339 on: October 29, 2013, 08:44:45 PM »
You are gonna need more brakes if you end up with 550 whp! That is a bunch of weight to haul down on track.
I do love what I do!

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #340 on: October 29, 2013, 09:49:28 PM »
That's when I hit up my buddy Charlie for some brake duct design right?
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline largeorangefont

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #341 on: October 29, 2013, 10:37:48 PM »
Nice work Joel. Mamo's CTS-v is pretty bad ass. He does a bunch of stuff for guys over on the V forums.
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #342 on: October 31, 2013, 08:43:54 PM »
Brackets and Stuff

Just a few random bits that didn't have a home anywhere.

A while back I picked up a little belt drive bench top lathe (1950s technology baby).  That let me rebuild the uprights on my battery tie down to match the Odyssey PC925 I'll be running now.  The tie down was made for a full size Optima, I'd already made an adapter once to work with an Odyssey PC680, this time changing out the uprights seemed like the cleanest thing to do.

The FAST 102 has no provisions to mount the Evap purge solenoid (and I decided a charcoal canister was a good idea) so I moded the stock bracket to work.  Stupid things like this take forever.

Where the tips are market in blue used to just be an L shape.  I'd already bent these up and ground the paint off for welding.

Since that meant I was running several lines across my firewall I wanted to tuck those as tight as I could.  Flattened out a stack of not needed bends in the lines and made a few brackets stealing the isolating bits from my fuel hardline project leftovers.

Old and busted, vs the new hotness.  Kinda fun figuring out how to bend these.

Last but not least, I'm running the MAP sensor in the front position on the FAST.  The hardware comes with a little bolt that doesn't match the form factor of the sensor at all.  Yep, one more little clip.  There's 4 bends in this thing and it's only an inch and half long.

Happy Halloween y'all,

« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 09:02:05 PM by frijolee »
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline frijolee

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #343 on: November 04, 2013, 10:35:44 PM »
Driveline and 8.8 is fully together

I decided to take the hard road to do 1350 u joints and a 3.5 DS just to help Ronin customers better know what they're in for with bigger hp combos.  The Driveshaft Shop tells me this setup holds on 1000 whp camaros consistently and that's a heavier car.  They estimate ~1200 whp potential in an RX7.

The subframe will require clearancing for the big U-joints (1310 makes your life much easier if you're 500 whp or less and/or don't really drag race).  Here's what the subframe looks like opened up (cut spot welds with a cutter and sliced perimeter open with an angle grinder). 

The reinforcement inside is a bent section that forms an upturned L on one side and a upturned U on the other.  Note the cut is strongly offset to the passenger side (most of these pictures are from the forward side of the subframe).  You need to cut down from near the tie rod end to about 1/4" above the pinch weld.  I used a 4 3/4" lid to mark the curves on both sides.  I also ended up taking mine it all the way down the the pinch weld all the way across but it turned out to be a more than I needed.

We sliced and then hammered the bits inward.

65imp went a little nuts with my 110v mig, but since it was glowing hot anyways  he just kept filling because it was getting good pentration so why not waste a little wire.  Patch panel ready to go in.

Patched and plug welded:

Ground smooth for better fatigue resistance.  Probably not required but better safe than sorry.  It's purdy this way.

Even with it welded like crazy in the inside I decided to reinforce the bottom side too.  Bending stiffness is the 3rd power of height (IE a box beam of 1/2 the height has only 1/8 the bending stiffness) so extra seemed like a good idea. 

65imp again doing work...  (Much love to the Ronin crew, didn't get any pictures of Brismo but he busted tail too).

First time my new tig's been used.  V8-rx7 stopped by so he burned in the strap gussets I'd made earlier all quick like for me (and thanks to his dad Ed too since he was the one who had to be up early despite Anthony knocking this out).

Note, just recently we had our first 8.8 failure.  Charlie (Bowtie7) who's had this up and running longer than anyone tore off the two ears on his stock subframe link.  He wasn't doing anything crazy when it let go so we're assuming it was a fatigue failure, but we're still planning to make a batch of gussets for existing 8.8 users regardless since our mount does give the pinion a bit more leverage upward.  (We'll have more on this in the next few weeks.)  Here's what the gussets should look like for folks.

Stock vent tube is a snug fit to the cradle but works fine.

Fuel lines clear fine too.

Tried to get a size comparison as a 3.5" DS is a big stick.  Pretty sure my head is normal size but probably should have grabbed a dollar bill or something.  Note the low profile weights.  Good stuff.

Checking pinion angle.  Mine wanted about an 1/8" rise so I used the factory part under the nose instead of the supplied reinforced rubber washers.

Plenty of clearance.  Thanks to the folks at the DSS for the shaft.  FWIW I had several folks quote this for me and DSS was the clear winner.  Point of reference for those doing future shopping.

Lastly, I am using the GKN CV outers so that means I needed to replace the oil seal as well.  Note if you've never pulled the knuckle on an FC the only trick is that the metal sleeves slide (barely) inside the aluminum structure.  I typically have to pull them back a bit before they'll let the knuckle come free.  Brake bracket you can leave connected, just pull the middle part of the caliper off and tie it to your shock with the fluid line still intact.

Driveline is fully assembled for the first time in about a year.  Now I have to tackle the exhaust.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 10:54:28 PM by frijolee »
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Ebush

Re: Joel's LS1 FC parts list/swap thread (remixed)
« Reply #344 on: November 04, 2013, 10:49:02 PM »
For reference, what length drive shaft did you go with since your using all Ronin parts?