Figured it was time to light a fire under my ass and get moving. I had debated not posting anything until I was done this time because it would be fun to surprise folks with a *hopefully* healthy dyno chart, but… posting regularly is a motivator for me and I enjoy following along on some other folks build threads so I figured why not.
If you read the above you know I’d had been debating heavily what, if anything, I should do with my car. Hanging out with 65imp too much is dangerous because you start to get all kinds of bad ideas. I was really eyeballing Whipples seriously for a while there but in the end, I’m glad I didn’t. Although the Gen5 Camaro piece is mighty close I finally got to look at a few up close at the LS Series Shootout . As best I can eyeball they’re about 4” taller than a stock LS3 manifold.
Whipple (I believe it’s the 2.9L kit)


Definitely more than enough to force you to do some crazy things with the hood. Plus I keep hearing how hard they are to keep cool on the track and I do enjoy running around out there every now and then.
Since my family and I moved mid April my RX-7 has just been sitting. The Volvo fan blade decided to shear off at the hub and I didn’t want to buy a new one since I was planning on upgrading anyways. Since then almost all my free time has been going into setting up the new place, throwing myself into a new job, hanging with my girls, and keeping Ronin moving forward.
There at least has been a little progress. The car’s up on jackstands and the teardown is underway. In the meantime, I always wanted to post a few pictures like this… Any unknowns in my pile? :-)

Other than my wiring being done this is going to be a fairly comprehensive build… I’m just about starting over with my chassis.