So i'm not happy with the radiator fitment. I modified a hinson to fit as good as it could given all the crap in the engine bay but that left less than enough room for proper fans and hung down very low to the ground. Being in Phoenix, AZ where its hot most of the year I needed all the help I could get. I have had my eye on a few peoples builds in particular mefarri and 1point3liter and decieded to just order the Howe's radiator with the 24x15 core and move everything as far forward as possible. Having the pictures and wealth of measurements helped to save me a ton of time, thanks guys. I had previously cut out my front crash support ?(whatever it is that ties the two frame rails together). Once I decided screw it and ordered a radiator, I cut the additional front cross beam that the hood latch mounted two.

After some cutting:

Made the first part of the new structure to tie the frame rails together here are some pictures thus far.
The bar where i left it tonight:

Need to weld some tabs on it to keep the hood latch and wait for my radiator to see how it will all come together.
Also worked on my downpipe and got it pretty much wrapped up have it terminated near the starter and need to figure out wth i'm going to make for my exhaust. Don't have any pictures of that. I'm trying to get a feel for the using my TIG. The aluminum and stainless that i have done so far went fairly well. The mild steel cross bar welds were less awesome and it was harder for me to do with the little radius narrow bar. O well still need more seat time.
Also the hardware is just to test fit it i ordered some oddball flush head bolts to deal with the whole clearance issue.