More progress, waiting on my new carpet to arrive. Needed to finish up all the sound deadening in order to be all ready to start on the carpet when it shows up (hopefully tomorrow)
So far I did a mass loading rubberized coating, then Lizard Skin the last step before the carpet (which also has a backing product on it) was another product by Raamaudio called Ensolite which is a sound deadening and heat isolator which is also fire retardant.
Big thing is Its very light so you can go crazy with it without it weighing down too much.
So began the slow and painstaking process of trying to get 100% coverage on all the interior where the carpet and dash / pain to remove stuff will be.
first door was a little shaky never used this product before...

Second door

Starting the dash

Making progress

All of the car forward of the rear bins done

Ran out of stuff even though I bought more than the "recommended" amount for a small car, need a bunch more to finish but at least I did all the stuff that the carpet will cover.
Started making/modifying my brake lines for an ABS delete, going to see how it turns out before I deiced 100 percent if I want to eliminate it.

Alos started finishing up extending the Harness to relocate the pcm from the passenger kick pannel area. Need to extend about 10 more hours and pretty it up.