Been work on my son's 944 project and finally getting around to my junk.
Made up a order for my clutch slipper controller, just need to call Summit.
Picked up a craiglist motor that I kind of got fuc'd on.
Motor had Kelford cams, upgraded springs and EVO 8/9 pistons
Except the head had garbage in it and wiped out the cam and head. Luckily I pulled the motor apart to check it before swapping it in.

So to salvage what I could, Block was just honed, pistons and rods checked at machine shop. The 6 bolt rod have ARP bolts. Crank seems fine, on spec
Prepping the block for paint.

My favorite color

So the original plan of bigger cams is still out there and eventually a Holset turbo. The EVO pistons I'm still digging around to see if there a "upgrade". Seems like no one has done them recently. Any DSM guys on here are welcome to chime in on them.
This past weekend project. Convert Awd thermostat housing to fit RWD configuration in Rx7. Had a unused port split a plug and dump water on the starting line last year...not again. Turned Al slugs to fill all unused ports. Water neck is cut and reangled to a more horizontal and 90 degree to block to miss firewall. Still need to check for leaks, fought porosity issues with these 25 year old dirty cast parts

Turned slugs to seal holes