JOSE just texted me apologizing all over himself. The convo went like this, and I quote:
Jose: Hey bro, sorry I'm a big douche
Me: U better be sorry...
Jose: I tried to save my forum rep by looking big and tuff online. But we both know the real story.
Me: Good job flexing your E-muscles, if you would have shown up in person I woulda shown u some real muscle.
Jose: Im sorry, I never should have challenged ur manliness. U are a king atop a mountain and I am a lowly peasant groveling at your feet.
Me: Damn straight, don't let that shit happen again.
Jose: It wont, thank you for you forgiveness O' gracious one.
Me: We still on for basket bingo tomorrow night?
Jose: Yeah, see you there!!!
Now you all know the truth.