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Author Topic: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build  (Read 45302 times)

Offline mattster03

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2012, 11:06:27 AM »
Rare sunshine?  My friends tell me your having 35 straight days of no rain.

That's about all we get  ;)
Current Car: 1993 Mazda RX7 Touring, LS1/T56, Stock Stock Stock

1993 Mazda RX7 R1, LS1/T56, EPS 230/238, TSP Ported heads
10.826 @ 128 , 1.53 60' - SOLD

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1986 Mazda RX7 GXL, LT1/T56 "Retired"
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Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #76 on: August 30, 2012, 10:44:07 PM »
Presents been coming in every day for me this week its been nice :)

ATI balancer.

I had to slot the holes in my cobra cradle due to them not lining up correctly.  Carbide bit makes quick work. Sorry no pictures of that. Will when I unbolt the diff this weekend to install the bearings and seals.

Last I said "fuck it". Home late and ran out of time so didnt get to drilling out the spot welds.

I played around with radiator placement in relation to bottom of the swaybar and where the hood comes down on the stops. If I relocate the filler cap I might get this radiator to stand up with a slight angle and clear the ground.

Improved racing stuff will finally all be here tomorrow and Treadstone intercooler next friday. Should be done ordering parts for awhile till I catch a deal on a LS6 intake.
07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #77 on: October 02, 2012, 02:16:48 AM »
More slow updates. I feel super bummed its taking this long! I have to work hard to play hard though. These are pictures from here and there since last post. Im waiting on a good day my friend isnt busy with work so we can rob his bumper off his shell so I can get cracking on mounting radiator and fmic.

Speaking of turbo stuff before I end up dumping pictures. Ive finally set on my plan. Truck manifolds pointed so they direct upwards slightly. They will hook down and into the turbo, though im still fishing ideas on wastegate placement. Might end up just dumping WG to atmo. Due to where I would like to mount this turbo; to give a nice clean downpipe run; I might have to use a scavange pump for the oil return line. One more thing to worry about failing though. Turbo dad just told me one afternoon, "if your going to use a pump might as well rear mount it". That idea has been crossing my mind. Once I get the front bumper its going to be elbows and assholes all over this hot side plumbing.

Now for pictures...

Front suspension finally bolted back on the car. Looks pretty spiffy this color scheme. The wheel wells were cleaned and I plan on 3M rubber coating AFTER everything is done. Might be doing some cutting and or grinding. Rather not make a bigger mess. Thinking ahead.

Steering rack bolted up. Still need to swap my Fbody water pump and ATI balancer. Engine looks mighty ugly.

New axle bearings and seals in the 8.8

Well I ran into a slight mishap and not sure exactly how this happened. I sealed diff cover and ran all the bolts down with a speed wrench. I doubt there was any more then 5 to 10 lbs of torque annnnnnd 7 of 10 stripped on me. Shit. All threads and holes were clean prior to installing. Who knows what happened. I gave up that night and went to bed. Helicoiled everything and installed studs.

Rear sealed cover with right stuff and slammed my DSS axles in. Filled up the diff with lube and Ford posi additive which smells like a sorority girls pussy.

Rocking out alone in the garage and no one to help. I had to use a creeper to bring the rear subframe into position then muscle some floor jacks under the cradle.

All bolted up :) First time this car has seen suspension in a long time. I forgot to install the coilovers BEFORE I raised the subframe into the car but easy to get those coilovers in tomorrow :)

Thats pretty much it for now. I put my fenders back on temp and ziptied the pile of shit front bumper I have. Theres more fiberglass on this thing.
07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline Jordan Innovations

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Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #78 on: October 02, 2012, 04:01:50 AM »
Definitely want to see this come to life.  Great job so far, and I love the Huskies + sorority girls references lol.

Offline Sho Amo

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #79 on: October 02, 2012, 05:35:12 AM »
I like the suspension colors you chose, looks good.
[Sold] '90 GTU LS1/t56

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #80 on: October 02, 2012, 11:34:50 PM »
Installed the rear coilovers tonight and went to install the wheels. Shit. I need open ended lug nuts. Time to hit up discount tire and get some temp ones so I can roll this car around for the time being. Now that this is finally checked off my list I can finally get to the turbo. Feel like such a slack ass taking this long  :o
07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #81 on: October 03, 2012, 10:16:14 PM »
The FD has landed. Fuck that only took 7 months.  :'( Garage looks like hell but I want dinner so ill do some house keeping tomorrow.

07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline screamin88

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #82 on: October 04, 2012, 10:50:15 PM »
I am diggin it!

Offline mattster03

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #83 on: October 05, 2012, 11:34:34 AM »
Nice work!
Current Car: 1993 Mazda RX7 Touring, LS1/T56, Stock Stock Stock

1993 Mazda RX7 R1, LS1/T56, EPS 230/238, TSP Ported heads
10.826 @ 128 , 1.53 60' - SOLD

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1986 Mazda RX7 GXL, LT1/T56 "Retired"
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Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #84 on: October 05, 2012, 04:33:54 PM »
Thanks :) I did forget how low the roof line really is.

I been really looking at buying a JD2 bender recently. Anyone else have a bender and want to give me some personal feed back.
07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #85 on: October 11, 2012, 12:56:08 AM »
A post is worthless without pictures but ill post up tomorrow, DSLR is dead.

I made a quick turbo mount, sleeping on it; not sure if I like it yet. Mucked around with a lot of scrap 2.5" tubing to see how im going to feed passenger side into the turbo. I still need to pick up a vband for the exhaust housing.

The clock has now offically started. Only 2-3 hours a night to do work. Lets see if I can finish this up before Mefarri  :yay:
07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline mefarri

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #86 on: October 11, 2012, 12:09:20 PM »
"I'm not sure what your intent was because I don't speak "dumbshit", but next time, start your own thread. "


"Otherwise it looks like something I can build over a weekend, if I spent the first day watching TV."

-Blake motherfucking McBride

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #87 on: October 11, 2012, 11:21:32 PM »
I feel like rx7lee sometimes with how dirty a lot of stuff is :( Soon ill get a hair up my ass and clean stuff, but im in destruction stage so it will all become dirty again anyways...

Heres my practice brace. I will redo this when I get a new stainless turbo flange. This flange was the one from the GN the turbo used to be mated on...before the car fire. My tig welding skills suck pretty hard. Just need to practice more. I will end up having to use a pump cause theres not really enough angle for oil drain back to the pan.

07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline RawrX8

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #88 on: October 12, 2012, 05:59:36 PM »
Coming home to new stuff is always nice. Shine Auto FEED bumper :)

07' RX8 daily
92' RX7 rhd efini
02' 748R

Offline karsty

Re: Rawr! 1992 RHD FD 5.3 Turbo build
« Reply #89 on: October 12, 2012, 06:04:13 PM »
How's the fitment?