More slow updates. I feel super bummed its taking this long! I have to work hard to play hard though. These are pictures from here and there since last post. Im waiting on a good day my friend isnt busy with work so we can rob his bumper off his shell so I can get cracking on mounting radiator and fmic.
Speaking of turbo stuff before I end up dumping pictures. Ive finally set on my plan. Truck manifolds pointed so they direct upwards slightly. They will hook down and into the turbo, though im still fishing ideas on wastegate placement. Might end up just dumping WG to atmo. Due to where I would like to mount this turbo; to give a nice clean downpipe run; I might have to use a scavange pump for the oil return line. One more thing to worry about failing though. Turbo dad just told me one afternoon, "if your going to use a pump might as well rear mount it". That idea has been crossing my mind. Once I get the front bumper its going to be elbows and assholes all over this hot side plumbing.
Now for pictures...
Front suspension finally bolted back on the car. Looks pretty spiffy this color scheme. The wheel wells were cleaned and I plan on 3M rubber coating AFTER everything is done. Might be doing some cutting and or grinding. Rather not make a bigger mess. Thinking ahead.

Steering rack bolted up. Still need to swap my Fbody water pump and ATI balancer. Engine looks mighty ugly.

New axle bearings and seals in the 8.8

Well I ran into a slight mishap and not sure exactly how this happened. I sealed diff cover and ran all the bolts down with a speed wrench. I doubt there was any more then 5 to 10 lbs of torque annnnnnd 7 of 10 stripped on me. Shit. All threads and holes were clean prior to installing. Who knows what happened. I gave up that night and went to bed. Helicoiled everything and installed studs.

Rear sealed cover with right stuff and slammed my DSS axles in. Filled up the diff with lube and Ford posi additive which smells like a sorority girls pussy.

Rocking out alone in the garage and no one to help. I had to use a creeper to bring the rear subframe into position then muscle some floor jacks under the cradle.

All bolted up

First time this car has seen suspension in a long time. I forgot to install the coilovers BEFORE I raised the subframe into the car but easy to get those coilovers in tomorrow

Thats pretty much it for now. I put my fenders back on temp and ziptied the pile of shit front bumper I have. Theres more fiberglass on this thing.