Again not to much going on. Been waiting on lots of goodies to come in the mail. These both came today but one will allow me to get some big progress started.
First off;
SIKKY shifter for T56 Magnum for a FD. I saw the blog on MotoIQ so I shot them off an email. Justin over at Sikky is a great guy. Communication was top notch and sent me out of fantastic product! Shame it will be covered up. Its glory will be showboated here in the thread at least.
My shift hole is virgin and the transmission is oh about 3 to 5 degree pointed up. Note; the brace is not installed and will be once I get the rear subframe back installed. Still waiting on a part to weld to the subframe from Samberg. Shifting into 1, 3, 6 not close to touching.

Verocious stuff came as well. We have 2 2.5 Vbands that have male/female machined into them. 4" flex pipe. 3 2.5 UJ bends to feed into the turbo and 1 3.5 UJ bend for downpipe. Tomorrow running to local steel shop pick up some turbo flange plate and solid bar for turbo brace. Fire up the plasma cutter/chop saw/welders and get my ass in gear.

Note cause someone might catch it; fuel cans get moved before any welding

Just the placed there for storage cause limited room in the garage.