Whatcha know about pictures?

Every day is something new and fun. Get more excited as the days go on and more and more work happens.
Turbo dad thought I should need a turbo oil feed line.

Instead of hacking the brackets off, quick drill job! cleaned up some surface rust with paint.

FU hubs! Well the passenger side (LEFT) came off easy ease. Driver side wasnt so friendly; electric impact wasnt working so went air.

Bunch of suspension parts in the pile.

Wanted to make sure I kept right and left side seperated for install. I know you can visually look at what goes where. I wanted to stamp L and R.

Here is everything piled in front of the car. I would have ran off and pressure washed everything but I have a joint bday party to attend, hooray being 27! Thats tomorrows task. Everything must be clean, dont want to be like that rx7lee guy.

Last, a question; I dont know the difference between 99 spec front brakes and non. Wasnt much info included when I picked up the car.

The FD3S dif does have a KAAZ unit installed as I was told. I need to get rid of it and axles. If anyone is interested send me a PM. I figure ill let the whole unit go as one. Diff/Axles all together. I will remove the rear cover and inspect everything before I actually sell it. Maybe tomorrows task as well.

Tomorrow; scrub a dub, watch me in the tub.