I dropped my helper of 5 years, Joe, at his house around 5 Friday evening. At about 6, he got in his neighbor's lifted CJ with another neighbor and that neighbor's 11 year old son to ride to the store about 2 blocks over. The owner of the Jeep did not drive because he had been drinking, the other neighbor drove. On the way back, something happened that made the Jeep roll off the road and into the woods. All were thrown from the Jeep (they probably weren't wearing their seat belts since they were just going a couple blocks down) and it rolled over 3 of them... all but the driver.
The driver is in the hospitol, and is gonna make it. His son has a crushed spine and broken neck. Joe and his neighbor were in ICU on life support. The other neighbor was taken off support on Monday and he was taken off support this evening.
He wasn't my best friend, by all means, but he was a damn good worker that did everything he was told, without complaining. Detail a car, cut my grass, change a car's fuel pump 10 times, and basically do any job I didn't want to do. And for those who have ordered any product from us, somewhere along the way, he handled it... weather he built it, or just took it to the post office, or somewhere in the middle.
News report says 3 injured, but it was 4.
http://video.wspa.com/v/53342416/three-people-injured-in-greenville-county-wreck.htm?q=passenger+greenvilleFor those who have been to the shop, I think this is the only pic I have. I'm sure you'll recognize him.