My first job post high school was as a service advisor and I don't envy you one bit. You got a pissed off customer on one end then a pissed off mechanic on the other while you're in the middle trying to juggle bookings to get vehicles in the shop and out the door on time. All the while you're supposed to be trying to upsell people and making the business as much money as possible from a customer who wants it done for as cheap as possible. Then the parts department forgets to order shit and the customers on your ass like white on rice. You were out of loaner cars 2 days ago and you have sales people at your counter demanding that their customer gets one ASAP. Then there's the comebacks because your mechanics that are on flat rate are trying to put as many vehicles through their bay as possible in a day forget to put something back together properly and again you're the one getting shit on yet again. Then you always get the asshat whose vehicle was off warranty a year and 20 thousand miles ago at your counter bitching that his tires are wore out because his cars out of alignment because you made them hit a curb
That about sum it up? 
Haha damn. Nail on head.
Try it in the heavy truck industry though. You have drivers angry for only getting paid 75$ a day who are pissed for not driving, then the breakdown department who is trying to figure out whats going on, then dispatch who is trying to schedule a load for a brokedown unit, then the fleet maint. department who don't keep any records and are no help because the mechanics are all 60+ years old and dont understand the ideas behind DEF and DOC/SCR/DPF issues, and finally the PO# department who wont pay when the unit is complete.
My day pretty much starts and ends with putting out whatever fires I am able to. (and trust me, they are never truly out, just on a low simmer!)
Im trying to break back out of the Customer Service field...shoot Id rather be back wrenching and take the damn pay cut.