Lots of engineers here lol
I went to school for Mechanical Engineering and dropped out in my 3rd year. I hold no degrees lol
For many years I have worked with cars,
www.cecwheels.com, Dealer Direct Services and a few others -I went from being a sales rep to basically setting up satellite stores. Got tired of cars and went into building, installing and tuning very large sound systems and DJing -did this freelance for about 7years and just got sick of constantly chasing people for money... at the end of it all I prob had $50,000 out there floating in debts owed to me that I just walked away from... taking legal action would have had me in court forever -frankly it would not have been worth my time.
I now work for a company that specializes in commercial window cleaning, I am a pure water system specialist -basically sales and troubleshooting of RO/DI water systems ranging from portable to huge... I like the job -but the company is struggling with it's own success -basically a disaster at the moment.
I'm contemplating finishing school so I have a degree, it just opens so many doors.