Well after a bunch of little issues to solve we have a functioning car now

So something helpfull for the hive, 2010 to 2015 tr6060's have a fully splined input shaft vs the 2016 to 2024 tr6060's, those have 1.125 less spline area. Just enough to not engage the second disc on a twin disc

So off to the dyno!

and some of the main information everyone is here for

Now a few things here on the dyno graph, almost didn't post this yet as it will be confusing for some but I'm excited that this is doing exactly what i wanted - this isn't the final numbers as I'm nowhere near done yet. The soft rev limit set to 7500 rpm (hard cut is bad for valve train longevity so I don't use it) so it starts to nose over about 7100 rpm, which is why it looks like that. The reason I set the rev limit to this is because for st4 classing its power to weight and since that means this engine will live a majority of its life at about 48-50% throttle I'm not turning it any higher than I need to help with longevity. This will make the max power I can have from 3900k rpm and up.

I'll post the final graph here in a few weeks when I get back to the dyno. For max power I don't know where it will stop, my guess is about 7800 or so and it will nose over naturally, ill shut it down about 8500 if that's the case. The little 339 ci engine that could
So, you're probably wondering what happened as to why it's not done, well.... Throttle body died, started out as just a redundancy error and then turned into it sticking and causing it to idle at like 2700 rpm plus causing faults and disconnecting still. So, after fighting with that for like 2hrs I said f this, took my ball and went home

New OE throttle body on the way!
https://youtu.be/tVQNDYqmnE8?si=2HaR3tyMV9Qo7AXO full power pull
https://youtu.be/ARi4vJXEuEY?si=o3Nid-4szhQk4A8P st4 power pull