I believe that shouldnt be a problem Supe! My tubing is 1.5" .120 wall so its heavy

I also didnt realise that my car was full tank at that weight either until i went to fill it up for testing on friday, only took a little over a gallon before starting to come up the filler neck

and it holds a little over 15 gallons, I run it with about 6 gallons in it for time trials as it uses about 5 gallons in one run. So current race weight was 2648 on the scales, I think i can hit 2550 in race weight which will be nice!
We'll a little recap of the race weekend as it went ok but had its issues as expected. Arrived Friday afternoon for testing and made only one run due to the alternator deciding to crap out and charge at 18v towards the end of the first test session. Made some rounds in the pits looking for a spare alternator, found one luckily with a group of the CMC cars but the test sessions were over by the time I got it back together. I Really wanted to get back out as that first run the car was wicked loose, lot's of fun but not fast. I at least had a idea for tire pressures for setting grid in the morning.
First run saturday was a little better, still several seconds off where I used to be. I know some of the improvement from friday was just me getting used to the car again but at least now it wasn't trying to kill me haha. Oil temps were high, in the low 270* range which was a first for this car, coolant sat at about 207* which is normal. A second oil cooler is going to be needed for lower speed tracks like this and high ambient temps. The car is massively stiffer now and will not require near the spring rate I have now. It felt like a big go kart, skipping all over the place. Tires coulldn't do work at all, multiple spots on the track that the front end was coming off the ground, just highly unstable all around. Made some more pressure adustments, disconnected the rear bar, softened the shocks up as far as I could go and went out again.
Second run felt way better, not great by any means but better. Rear end was still pretty loose. Front end was better but still unstable on exit with any sort of surface irregularity, corner 7 would bounce the front off the ground under power (washboard) and send me to the grass in a hurry. Pulled in the hot pits after about 6 laps to check temps. Front camber was perfect as temps were within 5* across, rear needs less as the outsides were about 20* cooler. Really need to soften it up and let the tires work
Decided for run three to just go out to get more seat time and verify things. Team mate wanted to go out so I brought him with. Temps were up, car was the same, best lap was within a tenth of my last run. Came in and noticed the drive belt was shredding and lost a couple ribs, apparently the new/used alternator pulley was not in the same position as my old one and needed shimmed out some. It was hot and miserable so I just figured on skipping the last round and pulling the alternator to adjust it along with changing the ronin rear links to take the camber out after dinner when things cooled off some.
Started on the alternator after dinner, got it out and shimmed the pulley, went to install the battery cable and the stud just spins in the back of the alternator

jacked around with it for a while realizing the part that the stud attaches with on the inside of the alternator is broken, put it back on hoping for some weird miracle and of course it wont charge. It's hot, I'm irritated, people are drunk....its time to head back to the hotel and try to figure something out in the morning.
Got back to the trailer early, tried taking things apart to see what i could do. the nearest new alternator is a good 45 mins one way, first round is at 9 and we planned on leaving shortly after lunch so I admitted defeat, packed up early, helped some friends, went for a ride with one and helped him find a littel over a second on his time and left. Exciting end right?
At least the learning level was high this weekend and I figured out what I needed to know to make the car work. I wish It would have been a little calmer and cooler so I would have been thinking about mounting the go pro and getting some vids. I can say the new racepak dash showed me a lot issues before they became bigger problems, I highly recommend something like that if you can afford it, it will save you money and time in the long run. Car is very fast and can't wait to get back out a little more prepared. I have a laundry list of little things to change and add

Should have some photo's on the way to me in the mail as well.