If Jeff needs an FC to measure things on let me know. Depending on timing I may be able to donate my car.
Are you running equal pads now front and rear? I have not been able to, I got hopeless rear lockup when running DTC60s all around, even when I was on stock sized rotors. I am running DTC60 and DTC30 now, and it is pretty good, but still have a little too much rear bias I need to dial out with the prop valve.
When the car had a rotary in it I was able to run the same compound all around.
If you end up going 4 pot Superlite up front let me know. I may just take the plunge with you. Might be able to save a bit on the rotors by buying in quantity if he is charging you for a modified hat. Were you planning on having FTBR do the front hats and rotors for you and making the brackets yourself?
That would be nice if Jeff would make some brackets but as busy as he is I would be amazed if he had time for such a small project. In the end though I can make the brackets needed, so not the end of the world, his would be much nicer looking though.
I have been running currently carbotech's xp10 or 12 depending on track, so about the same as the DTC -30 and 60, but yes same compound all around.
I will make sure you know which way I am going, hopefully Jeff will hit me back soon so I can make a decision. The rotors from FTB are his off the shelf sn-95 rotors, so no custom hats needed. A person could either turn down the mazda hubs on the front, like I did, or just open up the hats on the rotors. FC - 3.06" - mustang - 2.8" IIRC, not much to remove either way. His site shows 535.00 for a pair of complete rotors, very well priced IMO. The rears to use my brackets on stock mazda rear hubs would need hub centric spacers, which I think you said wasn't a big deal so that would work as well.
I have Superlite fronts and Dynalite rears, 12.76" rotor diameter. If you go with a 12" rear rotor, you may have to get creative with caliper bracket placement. The factory caliper mounting ears on the rear upright want to interfere with the ears of the new caliper. You can see the misalignment in the top pic. I shaved a bit off the caliper ears itself to make life easy.
If you guys do find a good source for custom hats and a 324mm x 30mm outer, let me know, as I'd rather not have to order proprietary rotors forever.

Yeah getting creative is to say the least haha. I can't find a single or dual piston caliper from wilwood that will work with a .71 thick rotor (factory mustang) so using the dynalites are out of the question for me at least with this setup. Getting front and rear rotors set up how you want shouldn't be a issue, what rotors are you using currently? Here is a pic of the rear brackets I made for the 11.76 cobra rotors. A larger rotor would be cake to make a bracket for.