Well I had a bad turn of events happen with the engine, cracked the #7 cylinder. I believe it was a combination of things that made this occur but mainly suspect it detonated, lifted the head - injested coolant and cracked the cylinder. Just road the edge for to long on pump gas and it finally bit me.
Everything seemed to be running great and never would have noticed had I not done my usuall walk around inspection that I do every time I start it and before I pull it back in the shop, only thing that made me realize something was wrong was the over flow can was full of water, which it never has more than just a little bit it in it.
Knowing it pushed water I was figuring the worst so I pulled the heads and found this smiling at me

So thus the full tear down began, engine is out and fully apart. Everything looks great and no other problems noted. Was very pleased with how the bearings looked so at least everything can be re-used if I choose to. Pistons look perfect, heads are great.
So now onto version number 3. Small list of changes haha
new gm LS3 block - full blueprint again with 1/2" head studs this time
new wiseco pistions - 9.5 -10 to 1 compression again - no overboring like last round - stock bore 4.065 with gfx rings
re-use the rods and crank
LS9 heads and gaskets - LS3 or Fast intake manifold
same camshaft
Any thoughts from those that read this are greatly appreciated, failure and build wise for the new one. Will be ordering parts in the next few days and selling old ones like my LS6 manifold, cylinder heads, rockers, head studs - things I cant re-use with the new build.