Little updates. Everything has been performing great, did well at hastings, first in class so I'm pleased. Engine is perfect (knock on wood) so I'm welding the hood shut for a while and gonna really start hammering on the chassis and start tuning the aero, lots of plans for winter.

Brake pad knock back is evident again so I am working on a solution for that currently, hoping for a little feedback on another post I made about front hubs. I finally changed out all the bushings in the rear to either billet or spherical bearings, got a complete set of Ronin camber links to be able to hot swap at the track, very excited to see how the car feels now and to have the ability to adjust the rear suspension easily. Going to change the fronts out to spherical bearings if I go with the super now hubs and use the stock control arms. Need to adust the roll center as well in the front but that will wait as well.

I also changed the rear exhaust up, removed almost 30lbs doing this. Weight is also one of the main enemies now, the car is going on a extreme diet this winter along with a full cage. I plan on doing from the headers to the axle backs in oval stainless this winter as well to increase ground clearance, hoping curbs like a DTM superstar has taken a toll on the exhaust haha.

Also got my carbon sunroof plug from Ashley/LOF and I cant say thanks enough! That will be worth another 30lbs. Hope by making the planned changes over winter I can be down to 2500 or less, dont know what all i can cut out from the chassis to reduce it some more but we will find out.
Funny pick, at least to me. I had a off at hallett and packed the rear end full of mud, good friend took this when i thought he was helping