Thanks Zac!
Well the fuel system seems to be sorted now, drove to KC and back today in high heat, a/c on the whole time and no problems! Fuel temps got up to 140* which did bring pump speed up a little, about .45 of a volt, slight change in pitch but barely noticeable, not bad for 5 hours of run time idling, city and highway driving. So to say the least I'm thrilled with the car right now.
Now for the down side of things haha, I am way out of injector. This shot shows a little lower than peak boost which was 16.8 at 6700 RPM and a IDC of 116% on my second pull winding it up a little harder, I am just happy it stayed at commanded lambda. So no more of that for a while

So hopefully the new Bosch injectors come out soon. My friend that was following me said I was black tracking all the way through third and halfway through fourth from looking at the marks on the asphalt. I knew it was walking around on me but I didn't really think it was that bad haha. Either way its making some power!
I also removed the suspension and boxed it up to ship to a fellow member, I think he will be pleased as it works very well. Fortune will have my new ones to me no later than the 7th of august they say, so I am down till then

I cant wait to get to the track again!
One other thing I am going to work on while the car is down is making baffles for the valve covers. Since I switched to a exhaust evac it pulls a little to much oil out under deep decel, not horrible but enough that I notice it when I am sitting still after a good pull. Right now its just a open -10 fitting in the valve covers.