After a month away from my baby I managed to get on with a few things.
I connected the vacuum hose to the FPR, of course this wasn't easy as the nipple was pointing directly at the fuel line so I had to massage the line to give me enough angle to fit the hose. The result of this was my fuel pressures going all over the place from 48psi up to 67psi. I am not sure if that is normal? I was expecting the pressure to be super flat?

I swapped out the Bosch O2 sensor for an NTK one. I don't think there was anything wrong with the Bosch one, but The NTK is supposed to be more hardy and accurate and I wanted a spare in case of emergencies.
I also fixed the issue with the horn blowing a fuse. It appears that one of the aftermarket horns was shorting so I just unplugged it and the problem was solved.
I took the car for a bit of a spin. Damn it was good fun. Nice sunny day with the windows down and sunroof open. The car felt like it was running great, despite the fuel pressure fluctuations. I didn't even have any low rpm bucking, but this is more likely to be a fluke.
My gurgles and pops were still there, but that was mainly when the car was on the colder side. Once it got up to full heatsoak they went away so looks like I will have to adjust some temperature enrichment somewhere.
I splooged on a Radium fuel hat with hellcat fuel pumps but they didn't arrive in time for me to fit them.
Not all was good mind you, My LH side drive shaft seal is leaking again. It was leaking before I rebuilt it, so I am more than annoyed that it is leaking again.

I also found that the steering rack is clunking. Up to this point, I knew there was a knock up front but couldn't find it. I had assumed it was a suspension component. I am assuming I will need to rebuild/replace it. Not sure why it happened, perhaps age, perhaps I have messed up the power steering setup. I have the low pressure line going in to the stock oil cooler but I never tried heating the therm switch on it up so it is possible there is air trapped in the cooler. Not sure if that could cause an issue? thing I noticed is that the brake fluid cap looks like its about to burst. I may have too much brake fluid in the reservoir. It's currently filled up to the mesh screen.