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Author Topic: DIY alignment, tool suggestions and tips?  (Read 1957 times)

Offline wickedrx7

DIY alignment, tool suggestions and tips?
« on: June 08, 2019, 04:55:27 PM »
I am thinking of tackling my own alignment for the FD as the shop I was going to is now charging $140 vs $90...

I have done some research and there seem to be a good amount of options so looking for any suggestions on brands, tools you have used. 

This one looks interesting -

I know longacre has been around forever and has a bunch of options. 

Thanks in advance!

1993 Touring, 2012 L99, T-56, Ronnin 8.8, Ohlins, Speedhut, Samberg and lots of custom parts
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Offline shainiac

Re: DIY alignment, tool suggestions and tips?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2019, 06:02:57 PM »
If you have a flat garage floor, I've had good luck using a digital angle finder on the brake rotor for camber and Longacre toe plates for the toe alignment.
It's definitely not the proper way since you can only really do one axle at a time, but it works okay. The plates and angle finder were about $90 on amazon.

Also, instead of bearing plates, I put a two squares of heavy trash bag under each wheel and a layer of WD40 between the squares to act as a bearing plate. It's not perfect, but works better than just leaving the tires on concrete and having to roll the car forwards/backwards a bunch.
I've heard of people using cheap adhesive-backed thin plastic floor tiles for the same function.
'88 TII -  Rods/Pistons LS3, Twin G30-770s, MaxxECU Pro/PDM
BMW DCT Swap, Ronin 8.8" IRS

Offline Cobranut

Re: DIY alignment, tool suggestions and tips?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2019, 12:24:34 AM »
I am thinking of tackling my own alignment for the FD as the shop I was going to is now charging $140 vs $90...

I have done some research and there seem to be a good amount of options so looking for any suggestions on brands, tools you have used. 

This one looks interesting -

I know longacre has been around forever and has a bunch of options. 

Thanks in advance!

That looks like only a 2 wheel alignment setup.

I bought one of these systems a few years ago.
It does take a little bit to setup properly, but I like the fact that you don't have to rig up a way to mount the string supports to your bumpers.

I did get a Longacre setup platform, turn plates and a 4 post lift that came along with my race car.  I shimmed the lift perfectly level on the first set of hard stops about waist high, and setting the Longacre platform and Tenhulzen alignment system on the lift allows me to raise the car up for adjustments and return it to level for measurements.  Really saves my old back.  :D
1995 FD, 7.0 Liter stroked LS3, T56, 8.8, Samberg kit.