March 18, 2025, 11:44:49 PM

Author Topic: FC A/C fitting sizes?  (Read 1069 times)

Offline Troymrtn

FC A/C fitting sizes?
« on: November 22, 2018, 08:50:20 PM »
I have a 1990 GXL with a 1998 LS1 and have decided to make my own a/c lines. I am using the stock RX7 evaporator and condenser with the stock LS1 compressor with line adapters and the Jeep line dryer and LS pressure switch Half Spec suggests on his FD a/c line build thread. Below are the fitting sizes I know and need help finding.

Condenser out to dryer 5/8 x 16
Dryer in and out 5/8 x 16
Evaporator High side 5/8 x 16
These were confirmed by trying a stock line on the dryer. I have confirmed the dryer male fitting is 5/8 from the manufacturer web site.

Compressor out adapter 3/4 - 16
Compressor in adapter 7/8 x 14
These are the new adapter specs,

Condenser in from compressor?  mic says 19mm or .75 which is 3/4
Evaporator Low side to compressor?  mic says 22mm or .86mm is slightly less than 7/8

I would like to confirm these two fitting sizes before ordering 19 mm and 22 mm bead lock fittings. Any help is appreciated.
