March 16, 2025, 06:40:04 PM

Author Topic: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"  (Read 134440 times)

Offline largeorangefont

I've been contemplating an extreme FD street build.  I think you have to think of it as a custom car build and forget the chassis.  It could be an Rx7, vintage car, etc..., if you are customizing most everything pick a shape you like and start from there.  I think that's what Eric did on that car.  Yes it was missing AC and PS, but that's a pretty easy fix.  I've added up everything and I can get to 90K+ really quick.  Now that's with a dry sumped LS7, infinity box wiring, custom interior, 8.8, chem dipped chassis, tig welded stainless exhaust, etc...,  but this stuff adds up quick, especially if you refuse to cut corners.  Most builds I see I would strip down to the bare chassis, and start over from there.  They're just not in the the league of what I would call an extreme build.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just a different sort of thing.  It sounds like Eric came out swings so to speak which is unfortunate.  If the car had remained in the for sale section I might have seen it.

That's the issue I had with this car.  It doesn't have any of that stuff.  It had a lightly modded engine, a basic swap and a bunch of hard to find parts that people in the market decided were expensive because they were rare.

Someone educate me.   Am I missing something?  Is there a reason this car was special?   It seems like if you take away all the Instagram cred parts, it was just a well executed standard swap.

Perception is reality. He did a great job with the swap and the car looked right. Also the general value of cars like this is on the upswing. This car with that low mileage could and probably would have gone for the same or similar money if it was still rotary powered. That would have been a better investment type vehicle.

These cars do not need 600 horsepower to be impressive and perform. How many swaps have we seen that were "overmodified" and quickly sold?
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline ChuckLee

"overmodified"........truth there.  In my opinion and experience with lightweight chassis like these, once you do over 500rwhp it's just bragging rights unless you are running drag setup (but then you lose streetability and any cornering ability).  450rwhp is PLENTY for these cars at their weight level, chassis rigidity, and rear end swap capabilities. 
So, did the money get sent or what? We all are happy for you if it is a cleared funds deal, as all our FD's are now verifiably appreciating. 

Offline ChuckLee

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #107 on: August 29, 2017, 10:18:59 PM »
I had a buyer for my FD in less than a week, I figured the forum would bash my price, but I got multiple offers. These cars are one of kind in that sense.

You still selling it? I keep finding out that it's apparently on eBay or something again. Is the new owner the guy that bought it in less than a week?

Offline Mik3ymomo

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #108 on: August 30, 2017, 06:53:14 AM »
It's on eBay for $65k obo at the moment.

93 CYM Base Single Turbo
94 Chaste White Base 22k Original miles Stock
94 Chaste White PEP 29k Miles (sold)
94 Chaste White PEP LS3 T56 Swap (Sold)
93 BB Touring 20B Swap (Sold)

Offline strickrothp

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #109 on: August 31, 2017, 12:45:36 PM »
I find it funny that the new owner copy abd pasted eric's description of the car for his ebay listing. including the parts where eric worked and cataloged the parts for 5 years

Offline ChuckLee

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #110 on: August 31, 2017, 01:57:09 PM »
I don't think he ever sold it

Offline ls3_rob

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #111 on: August 31, 2017, 01:58:29 PM »
eric did sell it
07 tl type s daily
93 rx7 ls3

Offline ChuckLee

Re: 1994 Brilliant Black R2 / 25K Original Miles / LS3 + TR6060 + Cobra 8.8"
« Reply #112 on: August 31, 2017, 02:39:48 PM »
Wow. That was a quick turnaround then!