Well, here we go. Finally getting a chance to work on this thing almost a year after I found out the engine blew on it.
Long story short, divorce is more or less over and dealt with now, and I moved back from Houston to Chilliwack. Brought the car down in December when I visited for Christmas, and came down myself a couple of weeks ago. I don't start work until the 7th, so decided to take advantage of the few weeks off, and get the FC build started.
Got the car up on stands, I had already pulled the engine back in Houston when I learned it was toast

Pulled the dash...

Then the rear subframe to clean it up/swap to T2 rear end...

Gutted the interior so I can clean the carpets
And got the top off, it really needs to be replaced

Also removed engine harness and whatever body harnesses inside the car that I won't be needing (PSCM, wiring for headrest speakers, etc...)