old subframe out and new subrame in....
After getting everything in place and bolted down it was time to install the motor/tranny.
Took a couple of failed attempts and wiggeling but it finally found its new home in the hinson cradle. Also along the way some more goodies arrived!
So while installing the headers on the car i ran into some problems they seemed to be a real pita. After researching on the JTR's website it said they needed to be installed from underneath the car. Absoluty bs.....The driver side went on fairly easy after some manuevering, but the passanger side i was able to get on after a while by simply removing the valve cover. Dropped right in and did NOT have to be installed from under the car.
Currently just about have the fuel system done and finally mounted the radiator. I sent the harness to be morphed by PEZ (thanks for all your help btw pez your the man!!!) More pics on the way but thats where i'm at so far....