Took it to the gas station today. I need an overflow tank hose for the radiator puke (it was dumping on the ground at temp today) and it's leaking transmission fluid (small leak, but there nonetheless). It is also not registering any speed. Sooooo, I will drop the exhaust and check out the speedometer drive and see what's going on there and inspect the transmission area where it was leaking and see what's going on there.
Beyond that, all factory gauges work, car starts with just a touch of the key and all 4 gears and the converter lockup work a-ok. Engine sounds good and runs strong. Aside from the above I need to hook up the voltage and transmission gauges and also figure out why the driver's side headlight is jacked up (it opens/closes constantly when plugged in, WTF?) and hook up the lockup wiring (it's just a switch right now).