So, as I slowly save up more money for a cam to upgrade my bone stock 2000 lm7, and after reading several tuning books, i think i've come to the conclusion that I am not ready to tune my own car yet....
So, how do i find a tuner locally?
I do not have a trailer, so I'd like to find a place local enough that I can drive the rx7 to the tuner with the new cam, without damage on the stock tune....
As of now, I have been looking at the torquer v2 cam.
I found this place, which is close enough I can almost push my car to them if i needed to, but I have heard very little about them, and have heard of zero reviews.
Local enthusiast forums are so full of idiots that even if i did hear a good review, I am not sure I'd be able to trust that opinion.
So, how do I go about finding a tuner who I will be happy with?
(local to 48328, Southeast MI)