The headers I had would not clear the steering box. So, I modify them to make them work. I am admittedly not greatest fabricator but made these work with out any kinks and with stuff I had laying around. After just modifying a set of headers I have an all new found respect for anyone that builds them from scratch.

Didnt get any before cutting pics because the header wouldnt even get close to the head. This is after cutting the two rear runners off.

The 3rd runner originally went to the out side runner. I trimmed the outside runner to fit here.

I used a couple scraps of 1 5/8 mandrel bend I had laying around to make the outside runner, i would have liked to make this a little bit tighter to the steering box(ie shorter) but I would have had to bought another bend to make it work with out some shitty kinks.

Here it is installed, in the second pic you can see i need to re route a the one brake line, it is a bit close for comfort.