I think it is totally uneeded and not as efficient as an entire system
The v mount gives you an un obstructed path of air the radiator. But if you build an adequate cooling system it is completely mute
To make the vmount work properly you need to have a vented hood to create the low pressure after the core end of story
Plus you are trying to force air at different direction than it is naturally flowing to pass through the cores
I say stack the cores, build an adequate cooling system, and do a good job with ducting air into the cores aswell as creating alow pressure engine bay to promote the air flow through the cores and exhaust it from the car
Look at OEM, they do just that
Look at the equipment i am around.... 3 or 4 cores stacked on top of one another, engine cooling always last.
They just make sure the engine cooling core is adequate in a layout as such
I can tell you mine is stacked and my cooling capacity is phenominal