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Author Topic: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding  (Read 13017 times)

Offline stbrn19

Re: New FD, Fixing and rebuilding
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2014, 12:22:20 AM »
Sorry i didn't respond to you sooner.  I don't think i have any pictures of the tunnel other than the pictures in this thread.  The trans tunnel for me was not bad.  I cut off the "ears" on the bell housing, if you do a search you will see about that (I think there is a picture of some of the bell housing I removed).  Being turbo with a single exhaust I only had to bang/clearance the tunnel for the 4l80e connector due to it being parallel to the ground (facing the tunnel) instead of perpendicular to the ground and above of the pan like the 4l60e's.  If your running a 4l60 It should be a none issue with the tunnel.  If your trying to run a 4l80e with headers or an exhaust on the driver side its going to be an issue.