Tracy, I think you have more entertaining analogies/comparisons than anyone else I know.
I bet you did exceedingly well on your SATs. I slept through most of mine, I was preoccupied chasing ass. I would say that in retrospect it wasn't worth it, but in all actuality, it totally was.
Is 1470something good? I think the ceiling was 1600 when I was in high school. I was always a good test taker for some reason. Now I'm too stupid to even remember. My mother taught gifted english and was herself a genius level IQ person with a couple grad degrees, so I didn't get any slack at all back then. Especially anything language arts related. Tough stuff to live up to when both parents are mind blowingly smart... I tried not to be too much of a disappointment. Most of the time. Then the wheels fell off.
LOL. Yeah, that's pretty good. I got a 1450. 780 English/670 math (was asleep for the first 30 minutes of the math section. The proctor kicked me and I finished as much as I could before time ran out).
I had to stay ahead of my kid sister, who is both smarter than me and dramatically more motivated.