Okay all, as you well know, we've seen a steady increase in spam on the forum lately (and today alone I've cleared like 5 $(*&^# spammers).
There is nothing I can do to COMPLETELY stop spammers, but I'm adding some packages to the forum to try and control them a bit.
THAT said, it is possible that these could block some legitimate accesses, if you get blocked for any reason, either reach me on Facebook (Blake McBride, if you're not sure if you have the right one, note that I have an FC as my picture, LOL) or email me (digitalsolo AT LS1FC.com - use a proper @ sign, obviously.

This is round one of tweaks to try and sort this out. As always, if spammers make it through, report their posts and I'll (or one of the mods/other admins will) delete the thread and ban them.
edit: I just added a second piece of software that will block all attempts to register by spammers. So, if you're a human and you don't suck, and you can't register, reach me at the above methods.
Your friendly neighborhood webmaster