Would I be able to re-pin a Holley harness? Is it saving some money or just time? Isn’t there a ton of wiring you need to add still like for the new sensors and I/O?
What are you aiming to do? Switch from Holley to Maxx?
Maybe, possibly someday lol.
I'm kicking around the idea of traction control. My car is ridiculous with this much power (super fun, but insane). With cold tires it will spin 3rd gear up through 100 mph. I mean spinning like throwing the car sideways at 90mph spinning. But then other times it is hooked up starting in 2nd. I need to give it some time and let it warm up a little bit outside and see how the car is to drive, and also how it does on a track before making a decision.
Holley uses add-on Davis traction control. They say it works for street and road course duty, but they only advertise for drag racing and circle track use. I also struggle to find feedback from others using it outside of drag racing. For drag use, people are evangelical about it, but that is an extremely narrow use case in a controlled environment.
Their strategy is to use driveshaft speed only and look at driveshaft rate of change. If it zings up too fast it'll retard timing. Outside of drag racing, I don't know if that strategy is as effective as the wheel speed comparison style.
They have a basic unit for $1000 and a self learn enabled unit for $2000. Maybe I can find one used out there. Lotta f'n money. So then I started wondering like your situation, could I somewhat easily switch to a MaxxECU and I just can't see how I could repin and swap out ECU's and have it be plug and play without having to still tear up or add a bunch of stuff.