Update after some more time on the car today. Finished putting rack boots on and bled the brakes, so wheels could go back on.
First fit-up of the new dry sump tank and booooyyyyyyy is it close to the tire (275/35/18's currently, other tire is a 295/30/18 that's very similar). About 1/16" of daylight between the tire and the lower clamp, so will keep an eye on that as I start driving it.

Also had some fun with the power steering setup - I've enjoyed a Turn One pump and Variflow fitting with the blower setup (which ran 5th Gen Camaro accessories), and realized that neither the pump, reservoir, pulley, or brackets swap over haha. So I bought a Turn One Corvette pump and swapped my Variflow fitting over... except I couldn't figure out an exit direction that worked. Tightened all the way down it wants to point forward into the pulley.
Ended up hogging out the bracket below/behind the pump and making a shim/spacer so the Variflow fitting could tighten down pointing aft, and run a 90* 6an hose end down to the rack. The pulley baaaaaarely clears the fitting, but it looks like it works and didn't leak (yet)!

Got it running long enough to warm up the oil and the water (takes FOREVER to come up to temp with the oil-to-water heat exhanger) and tightened down a couple fittings that looked like they might be contemplating leaking, and was thoroughly happy that all the accessories are on and everything looks good.
Wife safely filming the warmup - couple free-rev's in there, tiiiiiny throttle shoots up to 4k rpm instantly. Sexy.
https://youtu.be/5kMOItzqgAMExhaust looks terrible, but I've got some more 3" stainless and will hook that up next and try and terrorize the neighborhood a bit