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Author Topic: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD  (Read 7864 times)

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2012, 11:09:30 PM »
Well I dropped the car off at my fabricators tonight to fix the firewall. He will be eliminating the lip all the way across and repairing the hole while giving me more clearance needed for bigger intakes. Ill have pics when he is done- hopefully by wed night. In the meantime i started cleaning up my intake and sand blasted a few brackts/ misc pieces so they can be painted and or powder coated. I cant wait to get the car back and tear off the under shit to blast/refinish. On an off note I signed up for a TIG class at the local community college yesterday thats in may 4 nights a week and cant wait to learn for myself. Maybe ill post some pictures of sand blasted stuff but im sure you all know what they look like!

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2012, 01:39:51 AM »
This may be a stupid question but I couldnt figure out how to take the alternator apart to sandblast/paint the cover which is lookin pretty shitty at the moment. I cant figure out how to disconnect the black plastic from the wires. There were four bolts (reverse torx) holding it on and its loose but I cant get it off because its connected to the wire. Note pics. how the hell to I take this apart without damaging it??[attachimg=1][attachimg=2]

just for shits and giggles heres a shot of what some pieces looked like before blasting and one during. ill have more pics soon.

Lazy man's tall chair for in front of the blast cabinet LOL[attachimg=6]

Offline spacevomit

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2012, 12:00:08 PM »
Horrific, yes (this is the firewall I'm talking about), but that can be fixed with no problem. It is just steel after all. As an aside, the lip does have a purpose in terms of rigidity (which is not something that seems to be stressed too often, although it will benefit any car in any application) - but that can certainly be taken into account, while still leaving the extra clearance.

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2012, 12:17:20 PM »
Horrific, yes (this is the firewall I'm talking about), but that can be fixed with no problem. It is just steel after all. As an aside, the lip does have a purpose in terms of rigidity (which is not something that seems to be stressed too often, although it will benefit any car in any application) - but that can certainly be taken into account, while still leaving the extra clearance.

Its at the fabricators now getting fixed as well as the entire lip being removed and tig welded for a nice clean look... My fab guy said he is only cutting it in small portions at a time and not in a straight shot across to keep the strength.. he is reinforcing it I believe. Im excited to see it. hopefully tonight or tomorrow he will be working on it- I may go watch in I know he wont care. 

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2012, 01:32:49 PM »
Having some trouble figuring out how to take apart my alternator to paint/powdercoat it :( see the other thread I started for details

In the mean time ive been busting my ass cleaning stuff up, sand blasting and I painted my transmission/belbousing today. Its high temp VHT gloss black engine enamel and im happy with how it turned out. I did 4 coats spaced 10-15 min apart and it used two full cans. As you can see i have my pedels blasted, my window motors, brake booster, brackets for relays on harness, hood hinges, etc.

Im thinking the black accents are going to look nice with my paint choice


Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2012, 08:51:40 PM »
Firewall fixed. Zero issues with putting a full interior back. Should be stronger than stock- its thicker. First hole was patched with multiple layers, then square cut out, angle iron welded in then a "shelf" to make the bottom look better/flat. the lip was cut too. All mig welds.





Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2012, 08:53:40 PM »
Also the car will be off for paint soon. What is everyone doing to get a cleaner bay before paint?!?!

Offline spacevomit

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2012, 09:52:59 PM »
That box section should make it a little bit stiffer too. I like Marine Clean, Simple Green, isopropyl alcohol, Purple Power, etc.

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2012, 10:24:42 PM »
That box section should make it a little bit stiffer too. I like Marine Clean, Simple Green, isopropyl alcohol, Purple Power, etc.

Lol thanks I actually meant like to make the seam sealer look nicer or make the engine bay pretty! maybe "trim this lip like so" fill this ridge in with "x" etc.

Offline spacevomit

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2012, 10:34:21 PM »
Oh, lol. I'd like to know that myself, in terms of what products to use. I am going to use a MIG welder for part of it, and you don't really even have to be good with it to do little BS like fill holes and then smooth them over. I would also stitch weld everything. You'll probably want some flap wheels. Maybe one of those flexible abrasive discs?

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2012, 10:57:26 PM »
Oh, lol. I'd like to know that myself, in terms of what products to use. I am going to use a MIG welder for part of it, and you don't really even have to be good with it to do little BS like fill holes and then smooth them over. I would also stitch weld everything. You'll probably want some flap wheels. Maybe one of those flexible abrasive discs?

Id really like to know from some of the members who have done some of this stuff and made things really purty under there.... chime in body guys!!

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2012, 04:15:14 PM »
Interior primed and ready for final taping/cleaning/ lizard skin. I will also be filing in all the frame rails with great stuff to stiffen the chassis.
after that its off to the body shop for paint/ burnout front end/ new roof and scoote hood

The LS1 image is a picture of an old motor I built- im thinking black and red for this car...


Offline spacevomit

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2012, 04:22:26 PM »
Not sure that's gonna be dense enough. These were what people had said they used/would use in this* thread:


Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2012, 06:18:04 PM »
Not sure that's gonna be dense enough. These were what people had said they used/would use in this* thread:


Thanks for the advice- just made my order from

I got the FOAM-0216 16 LB Kit 8 Cubic Feet $67.00 plus shipping
Of corse i will post pics up once i get it and let you know how it goes

Offline adrenalinejunky

Re: Junky throws money at it- complete redo of an FD
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2012, 10:38:24 PM »
First coat of lizard skin sound control down. I dont care about radio sound shit just dont want to drive around a car and have it be annoyingly loud inside. I also put in the engine to make sure the FAST 90/90 cleared the fab work and it all looks good but will be close depending on the angle of the engine/trans....
