So, pretty much decided that I might as well keep my car because the most someone wants to give me for it is 6,000.00 or a suburban.. sweet.
So I've done some research and I'm not quite ready to buy all the radiator stuff just yet, as the car is the driver right now. But I'm looking at my fuel system for now (might be able to do a system swap if I had all the parts in a weekend).. it's stock with a Vette FPR, walboro, stock 98 intake with stock injectors. I've seen some guys run -6 or -8 line from the tank with 90* bulkhead connectors... Which makes more sense, 6 or 8?
Also, I've been looking at Aeromotive fuel system stuff.. is this more just the gucci of fuel system products or is it money well spent (I looked at it because some of you guys use them)? Can I get something else that does the job just as well as it?
I noticed that Blake recommended that FI builds look into aftermarket fuel rails so I can run a regulator attached to them and so the regulator can reference the boost. Can I get a regulator that references boost and run it on an N/A car until I'm ready to do the FI portion?
Anyway, working nights all week sucks, time for sleep. Later.