That's so cool you ran into Anthony! Love that you're still out there ripping the car.
I'm digging the white C5! My buddy and I both miss ours sometimes. My old yellow one was absolutely perfect when I sold it. I also love that orange color on the C6Z's. A c6z is probably one of the best purchases you can make today for 35-45k. I don't think they'll ever be worth less, and strong chance of going up in value.
Thanks! I don’t get to the track quite as much as I used to. Honestly before I bought the C5 I was kinda considering putting an interior back in the FC and putting AC back in. All that interior I could not give away 12 years ago and ended up trashing was a couple grand to buy today.. and finding it all is another time suck. 🤣
I’ll be doing the Hot Rod Power Tour West this year. They just announced it and it will be in October going from Pomona to Phoenix, stopping at Pechanga in Temecula, Indio and Lake Havasu in between. Just have to find someone to launch my boat when we get to the Havasu day 😀, but really looking forward to that.
I really liked your C5 and your build. I was looking hard at 2020+ 1LE Camaros or c6zs but this car is going to live outside most of the time and couldn’t bear having either of those outside. For all its quirks, it’s perfect for what I use it for. If I end up building it, your car always comes to mind…. Or turn it into a race car and go Spec Corvette racing 😂