Totally cleaned up and removed any wire that is not required to run the LS2 under the hood, all clean and connected. Dash still out, at the time no switched ignition to GM brain, starter chugged (no Key), as in trying to start. This happened way back if you have followed my posts and bounced my car into the house. This was the beginning of the hunt for FD electrical issues years after no problems with the swap. The non-keep running thing after starting up happened after many dead battery days and recharges.
Some issues were the ecu2 which is almost totally removed at this time. Interesting is that with everything removed the only thing circuit connected is the starter and alternator. Days after the starter engaging it was a bit late and I forgot to disconnect the battery. Low and behold the battery took a drain, over the last year as long as I had disconnected the battery it held full charge for months with no trickle maintenance.
Next step will be the starter and alternator. Its possible that either could cause a drain, but for the ECU to shut off, most likely the alternator may be spiking which I have read will act like vats. Possibly having charged dead batteries and jumping could have popped a diode. Thoughts ? The great Tick Off is that once I did connect the required parts and power the car did the same, start and die !