March 18, 2025, 12:25:10 AM

Author Topic: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2  (Read 15239 times)

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2022, 02:48:10 AM »
And the answer is for you JDM guys....................... Turns out the JDM footwell box does not have a 30amp window circuit in it. Mine for some reason did have a fuse in a non  factory wired dead socket (spare?). If labeled on the engine main fuse box that is the power window fuse. The wire is black/red and it goes to the CPU#2 which has a two prong plug for the Black red and the White/blue wires which is magically switched and powered there for the windows. It also seems to be the main power source for the CPU#2.  Be aware that USA/Canada fuse box covers for the foot well Do NOT cross over as to the label on the cover.

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2022, 07:07:25 PM »
 Totally cleaned up and removed any wire that is not required to run the LS2 under the hood, all clean and connected. Dash still out, at the time no switched ignition to GM brain, starter chugged (no Key), as in trying to start. This happened way back if you have followed my posts and bounced my car into the house. This was the beginning of the hunt for FD electrical issues years after no problems with the swap. The non-keep running thing after starting up happened after many dead battery days and recharges.
 Some issues were the ecu2 which is almost totally removed at this time. Interesting is that with everything removed the only thing circuit connected is the starter and alternator. Days after the starter engaging it was a bit late and I forgot to disconnect the battery. Low and behold the battery took a drain, over the last year as long as I had disconnected the battery it held full charge for months with no trickle maintenance.
 Next step will be the starter and alternator. Its possible that either could cause a drain, but for the ECU to shut off, most likely the alternator may be spiking which I have read will act like vats.  Possibly having charged dead batteries and jumping could have popped a diode.  Thoughts ?   The great Tick Off is that once I did connect the required parts and power the car did the same, start and die !

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2023, 09:01:08 PM »
  Update..............Found someone local to take a deep dive into the GM ECU. Also looks like I will have a chance to try a different one as well prior to spending more money. Seems even though it all checks out on the tune, often they get messed up with dead batteries and revert to acting as if vats are the issue. The people I have located have seen this happen so hoping for the best. Parts start going back in soon.

Offline digitalsolo

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2023, 01:11:29 PM »
I’m always dubious of that.   I think people have some correlation == causation blockers there.  That said, I’m hopeful they can get your sorted out.
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2023, 05:45:16 PM »
 Found someone locally through a chevy forum after my purchase of a 1995 Caprice Wagon, he programed a E40 ECU to try. My ECU had some things not seen on a regular look, but deeper showed corruption which can happen with battery going full dead. All settings and tune were in tack, but the corruption was playing vats with me (if i missed a few gory details, this electronic stuff isn't in my wheelhouse).  The good news is, plug everything in and car is up and running after three years. Being the ECU installed is on loan we will try to wipe mine and reinstall the tune. If that doesn't work ...................anyone have a line on a E40 ECU for a reasonable price ?

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2023, 02:37:29 AM »
 There is bolting everything in and getting the new ECU plugged in, but as of today everything I wired and or removed wires is good to go. Next is final alinement and bolting of the dash up rechecking floppy wires and securing. Build a mount for the ECU, build a fuse box cover, and what I can finally do that I looked forward to is installing my new SpeedHut gauges that have been sitting since summertime.  At least now it's fun knowing all the heavy thinking stuff is done, problems solved, and I can just turn a wrench not having to stress. Just an FYI when doing stuff like this, do not throw anything away till totally done. The ECU #2 that caused all this mess in the first place was of value today as I needed the under-dash bracket to remount a few things and hang my new relays. Despite having the bracket, it was what took the majority of my time hanging upside down getting things just right today.

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2023, 03:26:00 PM »
Thought I would drop this message here as well. Reason is as parts and circuit boards are depleting it would be nice to have a alternative we can make with new parts.
“Ok my Big Electrical fix is one plug in away from being complete, and my Retractable HL Relay pops.( Me bad long nights on the car ) Long shot on old post but this came up while working on the beast. Being I have eliminated all the factory electric cluster gidjets with new off the shelf relays, is it possible , or has anyone done this with this part ?  As stated above there is timing in the flash to pass, but is the clock timing for up and down at the lights motors  like wipers, power windows and such ?  If this is the case you know we’re I’m going with this.
 If you have a good one available and can do fast shipping at a reasonable price let me know.   ”

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2023, 03:55:35 PM »
 Bought a new one, limited supply on these even though it's the same part found in MX5 Miata's. Spent a day trying to build a relay replacement but ordered one after getting into the need (as far as I can tell) for a second relay to make it work. I thought it would be better time spent buttoning up the interior now that I have it all working. Was an order pizza moment to have it up and running after three and a half years of the car out of commission. 
 Need to build a fuse box cover for the under-hood relays and fuses. Other than that, today inner wheel wells, bolt up the bumper, oil change and top off the rad. it is done ! 

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2023, 07:01:44 PM »
 After three and a half years I am up and scaring myself !  Car is running fantastic, had it out last couple of nights. Must be the cold air because I have never had the sort of power I am getting. Rolling on third gear I start spinning well before red line. Keep in mind I still have the Japanese market 4.3 out back, which normally off sets some torque, but seems like its not enough. Also the temps are way cool I think because years back when sorting things, I drilled a small bypass on the thermostat. I think I will wait till temps get up to our normal spring time levels before I ajust that mod. Now onto wheels and tires before the diff and brake upgrades down the road. For the record with alarm and wires removed not including the removal of the anti lock system I am over 5lb that exited the car.
  For the help along the way I would like to say Thank You for the input.

Offline digitalsolo

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2023, 06:16:30 AM »
Congrats on getting it going (again)!
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline POOCH !

Re: The Big Electrical Fix RHD 1992 FD LS2
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2023, 01:41:50 AM »
I think I have now driven this car more in the last few months than my whole 14 years owning it. So much fun !  I'm at a car show five or more times a week, and from import to Hot Rod guys I get lots of love. I think most Hot Roders are amazed at the fit and the fact I have done all the wiring. I never really thought about it , but most older cars are carbarated, and guys find the new stuff over their heads. Either way It's a great summer. I am going to a Rotary meet in July, and yes I hired security....LOL. I just feel that the car being one of the three hundred RZ1 FD's I should show it.    Wish I could get pic in here ,but no go so far with my apple phone. Any tricks let me know.   