Figured it out!!! Finally had time this weekend to sit down and look at this stuff. Turns out the problem is that I am stupid. Apparently when I was younger and (somehow) dumber, I decided to put +12V to the +12V for the lights, and ran ground to the +12V wire for the brake. No idea how the old regular bulbs were working, but based on my experimentation (measuring voltages) with the wires in that configuration, I am guessing that the brake bulbs were not getting 12V, probably around 6V. That would explain why they were hard to see before. Anyhoo, I got the things wired up correctly by ACTUALLY LOOKING at where the wires run to, and they work swell now. Since it is a race car and I want this shit to be obvious, I went ahead and wired both the running light filament and the brake light filament to +12V so they will both light up at the same time. They are now freakin PAINFUL to look at with the pedal pressed. The LED's on the other hand are not nearly as bright. I am actually pretty damn disappointed in those. Right now I am thinking that I will probably go back to regular bulbs for both sides since the LED's are so pathetic. I know that some other companies out there make bulbs with a lit-shoad of diodes (more than just the two on the Sylvania), so those might be brighter..? Anybody have experience with other bulbs than just the standard Sylvanias? Anyways, thanks for the advice guys. Helped me narrow it down faster.