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Author Topic: ls fc turbo set up fyi (ebay style)  (Read 2069 times)

Offline hunter4life

ls fc turbo set up fyi (ebay style)
« on: February 28, 2017, 05:24:28 PM »
was a member years ago, figured id start contributing again. any feedback would be great and perhaps i can answer ?s or add more info to the post. some of it may be opinionated, but after multiple tests it's what i have found to be true.

Anyone who is trying to do a budget turbo set up on a fc or even a supercharger, i have found a few options or perhaps knowledge that may help someone else in their build.

Last year i made a blower work from an older tbi set up , will post pics later but was a modified bracket and a v2 vortech supercharger, worked well after figuring about belt routing etc, found best mounted to pass side head can go more in depth into this later...

right now i have modified cx racing kit (from a 240sx) figured i'd let you know some of the problems i ran into, i know it has been discussed a bit, these are some of the issues i have found.

-manifold/spark plug spacing is atrocious, and although doable be prepared to take the manifolds off to change plugs again etc.
-you will have to modify your transmission tunnel a bit (if you haven't done already to fit the downpipe)
-the cross over pipe is very close to an fbody mounted alternator set up and some sort of heat protection will be needed.
-the dual waste gate  set up is actually not bad however the one pipe will have to be shortened or bent slightly up to properly clear the rack and pinion.
-depending on how you clock your turbo, heater core lines will have to be modified, i recommend tapping your water pump for pipe/an fittings
-recommending you install wastegate prior to engine install but doable either way
-each kit may be different but exhaust gaskets weren't enough (had to use sealer as well) to seal manifolds to heads (some may be better then others)
-will have to weld in bung for 02 sensor to read bank 1
-the oil line kit comes with is garbage..just don't
-so far the turbo actually seems to be of good quality (for ebay that is), will be upgrading to a name brand turbo but to start off with not so bad.
-the vband clamps are pretty cheap if your not careful they snap or break and the bolts and nuts are a very cheap metal again will work but expect to have the odd issue
-if your using the granny speed mounts some trimming of the mount may be needed on the drivers side to clear the vband on the manifold/crossover pipe connection.
-spark plug wires---get creative with heat protection.

The good stuff
-easier alternative to fabbing custom pipe (cross over etc)
-vband clamps are expensive (at least up here in Canada)
-turbo isn't half bad
-the kit pretty much bolts on with a bit of trimming/massaging
-a lot of the modifications you need to do would be necessary for any 'kit' anyways

any questions please post thanks, can post pics soon, hope to have a dynoed this spring as well, didn't get a chance last year.