Hi every its been almost 2 years (Cant believe it but my first post was in 2012) I had my car sitting at a friend's garage waiting for a transplant. I was pretty excited to put in a LT1 in it when I got it but after that life happened and it was just sitting collecting dust. There were few times I contemplated selling her, but I always made that a last option. This car has a sentimental value as my dad had a mazda growing up and the interior is nostalgic, takes me back to the good old care free days. After all the ups and downs and being broke I finally had the chance to try to think about bringing her back to life.
This time it was'nt an LT1 but a LS1 with a t56, which I always wanted. After scouring the internet I got a really good deal and bought the whole setup. Soon after that got the ronin mounts and other stuff. I will post updates here on all the things we are doing to make the magic happen. Hopefully the car will be ready by next spring, in the mean time its going to be parts shopping all the time lol.
Here are some initial pics of the car from 2 years ago:

Bring her down!

Gonna be her place for the next two years..

from few months back awaiting (queue sad music)...

Someone stole the side moldings....

Many times I have thought about rebuilding that
The LS1

Gotta need the AWD to survive here in the winters