Just a small update!
I did finally get myself behind the wheel of a gorgeous FC in town, but she wasn't V8 powered. Still, the added grunt of a properly built 13b left me wanting more torque.
A few weeks back, I picked up a complete Granny's conversion kit for an LS FC - Don't even ask what I paid, because you'll want to kick me.

Now the hunt is on for a super clean black, white, gray, or blue shell in town... Hardtop, no sunroof, and preferably 5 lugs.
This is going to take a while, but while I hunt down a shell, I am slowly piecing together an LS2/3 hybrid, and saving up for one of these badboys:
http://www.tremec.com/menu.php?m=104I would have liked to save money up front by buying somebody else's project, and throwing in my own touches... I never feel the same pride an sense of accomplishment when taking that route, so I'm thinking I'll build the engine and keep looking for a semi-complete project roller.
Thank you all for the kind offers! If you know of a car on the west coast that may appeal to me, given my post, please let me know